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Profil Stage de Axelle bimbin

Dernière mise à jour le 04/11/2023

  • Civilité : Madame
  • Pseudo : Axelle bimbin
  • Année de naissance : 2004
  • Niveau d'étude actuel : Bac

Caratéristiques de la recherche de stage

  • Domaine : Marketing - Vente
  • Durée du stage : 4 à 6 mois

Description de la recherche

I am a student at Rennes School of Business Management in France.

In addition, half of my courses are taught in English. As part of the requirements for the bachelor's degree which I am completing over 3 years.

For my second year of my business studies, I must find an internship linked to my future specialization in the third year.
So, I am looking for a 16-week internship in the marketing sector.

I would like to take advantage of this internship to develop my knowledge and at the same time, learn the working methods of foreign countries.

In addition, I have some experience in the world of work thanks to my jobs that I have been doing for several years.

Driven by a deep passion for international marketing, I am currently in pursuit of an overseas internship to enhance my proficiency in the English language and to augment my professional experience.

I am firmly convinced that this opportunity will provide me with a global perspective, fostering the growth of my skill set while expanding my professional horizons.
My enthusiasm impels me to embrace fresh challenges, without any specific preference regarding the destination

Zone géographique

Axelle bimbin est intéressé par un stage dans les régions suivantes :
  • Centre-Val-de-Loire
Axelle bimbin est intéressé par un stage dans les pays suivants :
  • Australie
  • Bahamas
  • Brésil
  • Canada
  • Chili
  • Colombie
  • Costa Rica
  • Émirats Arabes Unis
  • Équateur
  • Estonie
  • États-Unis
  • Grèce
  • Italie
  • Madagascar
  • Maldives
  • Mali
  • Malte
  • Mexique
  • Monaco
  • Porto Rico
  • Portugal
  • Qatar
  • Réunion
  • Royaume-Uni
  • Seychelles
  • Singapour


Aucune compétence particulière n'a été précisé.

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