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Profil Stage de Edlec8

Dernière mise à jour le 10/01/2024

  • Civilité : Monsieur
  • Pseudo : Edlec8
  • Année de naissance : 2002
  • Niveau d'étude actuel : Bac+3

Caratéristiques de la recherche de stage

  • Domaine : Marketing - Vente
  • Durée du stage : 4 à 6 mois

Description de la recherche

Hello !
As part of my International Business & Management Masters at ESSCA Angers, I'm looking for an internship contract for January 2024.
Curious, versatile, and passionate about business and customer relations (business or consumer), I'd like to join your team as an "trainee".
During my 3rd year of studies in international business, management, and marketing, I decided to go to Mexico for a semester to study there. I was able to learn more about how business is done on another continent, but also to improve my English and Spanish, which is essential in an international business activity.
Why work together?
My professional experience and voluntary work have always revolved around international trade: banking, export assistance for a French company, etc.
I'm sociable and enjoy communicating, and I've developed a certain appetite for it because I'm so comfortable speaking. I have a sense of initiative and I know how to adapt. My studies often involve group work, so I'm familiar with being part of a team.
And finally...
An internship is also an opportunity for me to learn, exchange ideas, take part in practical projects and challenge myself. I hope that by working alongside you I'll be able to improve and contribute to the development of your company.
So, if your doors are open to a young man with perseverance and ambition, please contact me by e-mail.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Edgar Lecomte

Zone géographique

Edlec8 est intéressé par un stage dans les régions suivantes :
  • Pays de la Loire
Edlec8 est intéressé par un stage dans les pays suivants :
  • Espagne


Word excel

Langues :

  • Espagnol - Niveau : Parlé
  • Anglais - Niveau : Lu, écrit, parlé
  • Français - Niveau : Lu, écrit, parlé

Tous les CV de recherche de Stage sont consultables sur la cvthèque stage, accessible depuis un compte recruteur. Plus d'information sur l'espace recruteur ici.

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