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Profil Stage de PAUL

Dernière mise à jour le 13/01/2025

  • Civilité : Monsieur
  • Pseudo : PAUL
  • Année de naissance : 2003
  • Niveau d'étude actuel : Bac+4

Caratéristiques de la recherche de stage

  • Domaine : Informatique
  • Durée du stage : 2 à 4 mois

Description de la recherche

Motivated student in Computer Science and Finance seeking a 4-month internship, available from May 1st, 2025
+33(0) 6 65 32 97 27 | | Lille, France
I am currently enrolled at JUNIA ISEN Lille, where I am working towards a dual degree in computer science and
finance. My goal is to succeed in the financial industry by utilizing my information technology skills and my indepth knowledge of finance to develop innovative and efficient solutions.
JUNIA ISEN – Engineering school Lille, France
Engineering degree in computer science and finance Expected 2026
• Relevant Coursework: Financial Analysis, Accounting, Management and IT
• Treasurer of the sports office on a campus of 6,000 students
JUNIA ISEN Lille, France
Integrated preparatory classes for engineering school 2021-2023
• Relevant Coursework: Mathematics, Physics and IT
• Work on practical IT projects
Unite Event La Valette, Malta
International Break - Mobile application developer June 2023 - August 2023
• Development of an IOS / Android mobile application in React Native to promote and sell Unite
events on the island of Malta
• Gathering expectations, communicating and presenting the project to the customer
Logistics Technician at SNCF Technicentre d’Hellemmes, France
Worker internship – Stock management June 2022 - July 2022
• Managed stock inventories, coordinated logistics, optimized processes, and reported data to ensure
efficient material flow and maintenance operations
Volleyball Athlete 2021 - Present
• Leader of a volleyball team, managing matches and training sessions

Zone géographique

PAUL est intéressé par un stage dans les régions suivantes :
  • Occitanie
PAUL est intéressé par un stage dans les pays suivants :
  • Espagne


Aucune compétence particulière n'a été précisé.

PAUL a joint un CV à son profil

Tous les CV de recherche de Stage sont consultables sur la cvthèque stage, accessible depuis un compte recruteur. Plus d'information sur l'espace recruteur ici.

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